CAFA U15 Women’s Championship 2024: Celebrating the Future of Women’s Football in Central Asia


The Central Asian Football Association (CAFA) proudly hosted the CAFA U15 Women’s Championship 2024 in the vibrant capital city of Tajikistan, Dushanbe. This prestigious event, held from May 21 to May 25, aimed to develop women’s football in the Central Asian region, popularize the sport, and strategically prepare teams for the AFC continental competitions to qualify for the FIFA world competitions.

Participants and Format

The championship featured four participating teams:

  • Tajikistan (host Member Association)
  • IR Iran
  • Uzbekistan
  • Kyrgyz Republic

The competition followed a single round-robin format, where each team played against each other once, resulting in a total of six matches over three match days. This format ensured that every match was crucial and added to the excitement of the tournament.

Highlights and Results

The championship saw a total of 18 goals scored, showcasing the offensive talents of the young athletes. The team from IR Iran emerged as the absolute champions, displaying an impressive performance with three wins, 10 goals scored, and only one goal conceded, which came from the Kyrgyz Republic team. Uzbekistan also showed strong attacking and defensive capabilities, conceding only one goal throughout the tournament, which ultimately led to their single loss against Iran.

The Kyrgyz Republic team earned the bronze medals, demonstrating immense talent and potential on the pitch. The host team, Tajikistan, with their goalkeeper captain, showed significant progress and promise for future competitions.

Final Standings and Awards

  • Winner: IR Iran
  • 2nd Place: Uzbekistan
  • 3rd Place: Kyrgyz Republic

Individual Awards

  • Special Award: Kyrgyz Republic
  • Fair Play Award: Tajikistan
  • Top Goalscorer: Maryam Khalilifar (Iran) — 5 goals
  • MVP: Yasna Jafarnia (Iran)

The CAFA U15 Women’s Championship 2024 was a remarkable event that highlighted the growth and development of women’s football in Central Asia. It provided a platform for young female athletes to showcase their skills, compete at a high level, and prepare for future international competitions. The passion, dedication, and sportsmanship displayed throughout the tournament were truly inspiring, promising a bright future for women’s football in the region.
